Poster design for Drømmeskibet / The Dream Ship at Maritime Museum of Denmark.
I made two different proposals for the poster brief, the client loved them equally and decided to go with both.
The first was inspired by vintage maritime maps, explores and treassure hunters. I wanted to give it the feel of a board game. Focused on making it bright and inviting, like being close to the sea in the summer time.
On the second version i wanted to catch the atmosphere in the abyss, in a dream or being on the sea at night.
Developed by M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark
In collaboration with:
Legeskibet v .Gerlev Idrætshøjskole
Gerlev Center for Leg & Bevægelse
CISC (Center for forskning i Idræt, Sundhed og Civilsamfund)
Georg Stage og Sejlmager Hansens Eftf. ved Helle Barner.
Design by designstudio Proudlypresent.
The Dream Ship is supported by Nordea Fonden and Lauritzen Fonden.
See more at www.mfs.dk